John & Kate Acting Like Divas?

John and Kate plus eight has not only been a cable hit about the family with twins and sextuplets, but it has also inspired a lot of hostility on the internet, where there are those who accuse parents Jon and Kate Gosselin of misusing their reality-show stardom to act like divas and acquire lots of free stuff from admiring viewers.
I don't really want to contribute to the Kate-hate, but last night's new episode, another one about the family's move to a bigger house, contained a few scenes between Jon and Kate that were a little disturbing.
Jon had bought a new shower nozzle (yes, this is the stuff from which Jon and Kate drama is drawn). But he didn't use a coupon when he went to the store. God forbid!
Sound like nothing? She let him have it! "I'm gonna shoot him!" she fumed to the camera crew.
Then she started talking to her husband as though he was about three years old, condescension mixing with anger. "You're not buying anything anymore!... This is annoying; beyond annoying!... Where's the receipt?... What is the rule about receipts?... You're gonna go back to the store this afternoon!"
On and on it went. Jon was, as usual, stoic, poker-faced. I have to admit I felt bad for him.
I like Kate and do watch the show--I identify with her compulsion to clean, clean, clean the house. I think a lot of her sarcasm can be funny. I like that she's so tough--most of the time. But last night, she was just over the top! I know moving can be stressful, but, can you please take it easy on your poor hubby: he's doing the best he can.
What are your thoughts?

Let's put it this way. Whenever I want to feel better about my own life, I turn to J&K. Poor John, looks suicidal half the time.
She seems so bitchy lately.Maybe it's the stress of the new house?
They def make my life seem easier!
I can't stand Kate. It won't be long until they are the next family destroyed by a reality show.
She has been so ridiculous lately.Give the guy abreak!
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I always have felt that Kate was unbearable. It's not hard to be sympathetic to Jon. Jowever you almost need that type of personality to run that household.
They do have a lot of outside help in raising their family.
I can't help but watch this show every week. Maybe it's because I love my life more when it's over!
John and kate are both amazing!!! Imagine if you had eight kids and had a camera shoved in your face all the time, how would the world perceive your every move? And the only reason those kids are so adorable and well behaved is because she has them in check with her OCD schedule... J and K are polar opposites and those are the couples that make it!
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