Katie Holmes and her adorable daughter Suri Cruise, who turns three later this month, were seen leaving a dance studio in Malibu on Thursday. Suri seemed in good spirits as the paparazzi snapped away. She even waved at one point.
Spending each and every day this week together, the girls spent the previous day shopping up a storm with Suri at the American Girl store (photos below).
The pair have also enjoyed daily lunch dates and a visit to the Scientology Center while they ease back into life on the west coast.
Suri’s famous dad, 46-year-old Tom Cruise, said he and the family try to remain positive with the ever-present paps: “I have to say some of those paparazzi shots of my daughter are incredible. As a parent you protect your children but Suri is a very open and warm child and she will just wave to people on the street. She is such [a] happy, fun girl. It is certainly different these days with the media, but people have been very good to us and do give us space so I am not going to be difficult.”
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