Glam Baby Bumps: Heath Ledger's Oscar Will Go To "His Beautiful Matilda"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Heath Ledger's Oscar Will Go To "His Beautiful Matilda"

Heath Ledger won the Oscar for best supporting actor for his role as the Joker in The Dark Knight at Sunday's Academy Awards -- and his parents couldn't be more thrilled.

"Proud is an understatement. We are overproud," his father Kim Ledger -- who accepted the award on his late son's behalf -- said. Added his mother, Sally Bell: "We feel wonderful." She told the award will go to his daughter, Matilda.

Heath's mother and father and sister, Kate Ledger, remembered the actor -- who died a year ago at age 28 of a prescription drug overdose -- on stage.

"I have to say this is ever so humbling, being amongst such wonderful people," Kim said. "I'd like to thank the Academy for recognizing our son's amazing work." He also thanked Knight director Christopher Nolan for allowing Heath "the creative license to develop and explore this crazy Joker character," as well as Ledger's longtime pal and agent, Steve Alexander.

Added Kim, "This award tonight would have humbly validated Heath's quiet determination to be truly accepted by you all here, his peers, within an industry he so loved."

His mother Sally Bell went on to say that Heath was "such a compassionate and generous soul" who added so much to people's lives.She added, "Tonight, we are choosing to celebrate and be happy with what he has achieved."

His sister Kate told the audience - including a teary-eyed Kate Winslet and Angelina Jolie - that Heath had talked about attending the Oscars for the Joker before his untimely death.
She said, "We proudly accept this award on behalf of your beautiful daughter Matilda."
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