Britney Spears Threatens To Cancel Tour If Kids Can't Come

Jamie Spears had worked out a deal with his beloved ex-son-in-law Kevin Federline, allowing Britney to take the kids on the road with her as she tours the country, informed sources tell TMZ.
The way it was supposed to work was there would be three home bases across the country in New Jersey, New Orleans and Los Angeles. Sean Preston and Jayden James would stay in one of these three homes and Britney would commute back and forth while doing concerts in each region. For his trouble K-Fed would be given his own pad in each of the three bases, and be paid in excess of $4,000 a week for each week she’s on tour.
Britney, Kevin and Jamie worked out the arrangement without consulting K-Fed’s lawyers who became indignant that all this was done behind their backs.
Federline so far is reluctant to go against his lawyers who object to the plan and if they can’t get things worked out Britney WILL cancel the tour.
She has worked hard to get back in her kids lives and is close to getting 50/50 custody back and doesn’t want to take a step backward now. Whether K-Fed’s lawyers just want more money for their client or really do have legitimate concerns about the arrangement isn’t clear yet.

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