Friday, January 23, 2009

Suicidal Grandfather Of Caylee Anthony Found At Motel

The grandfather of slain Florida toddler Caylee Anthony is in stable condition after he was taken to a hospital over concerns that he might be suicidal.

A spokeswoman for the Daytona Beach hospital says George Anthony will be admitted to a hospital room after being observed.

Anthony was found early Friday at a Daytona Beach hotel after he was reported missing for several hours and was sending suicidal text messages.

Police in Florida – guided by cell phone pings – found the missing man, George Anthony, at a Daytona Beach motel room Thursday, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Anthony, 57, was wearing a suit and tie, but appeared calm when authorities arrived. A suicide note was on the nightstand, but police found no weapons or medication. "Mr. Anthony basically said to us, 'You know, I just need to get away. I need to think things through.' That's why he was there," Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood told reporters.

"He just wanted to be alone." Chitwood said Anthony told police, "You don't understand, do you? You just don't understand what this is like."

George and his wife Cindy have steadfastly supported their jailed daughter Casey, as I suppose any parent would try their best to do. My heart just breaks when I think about this family and what they are going through. Unimagineable!


  1. I agree it breaks my heart every time I hear or read about this story.Thank you for adding it to your posts!

  2. how could a mother do this to her child and family?
    i am sure her paretns would have gladly taken care of Caylee

  3. Ok I said this yesterday, LET IT GO. There are so mant more important things going on in tis country and world. Also take a look at the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. These kin of things happen all the time, but noone gives a crap. Now be honest, when was the last time you looked or even donated to a cause to find these children.

    So I say one last time, this tragetiy is over with. Let the courts do their job, and i f you are so concerned about these things, do something. Please stop being a robot of the media. Stop listening to morons on the news(Nancey Grace).
