Monday, December 29, 2008

Tom Cruise "Wants 10 Children"

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, the Hollywood superstar talks about how he loves being a father and why the 16-year age gap with his third wife Katie Holmes is not a problem.Tom Cruise, who lived without a daddy from the time he was 12, says, "I want 10 children. I love kids. I feel really fortunate to have the teenagers and a 2-1/2-year-old. It's a great dynamic."
Regarding his divorce from Nicole Kidman: "Nic and I are very committed and successful in sharing the parenting."
How his dad leaving affects his own parenting: "I’m a great parent. I want to be with my kids, and they get to do all the stuff that I wanted to do when I was growing up. My own father wasn’t there much for me and I want to be a different dad to my kids. My family is the most important thing in my life.
His thoughts on his third wife:"Married life is very good, very lovely. I feel lucky to have Kate as my wife. She’s an extraordinary woman. She is funny and smart and she likes the same things that I do. She’s a very strong, gracious woman, and a great comedian. I like doing romantic things, such as bringing flowers and surprising her with things. I love candlelit evenings with nice music."
How Tom feels about the paparazzi:"The paparazzi? They are trying at times but it’s rare that it happens. I try not to stay isolated because it’s not good for us and the kids. It’s important for us to get to know new people. I go to the children’s groups like other daddies. At first people look at me like, ‘My God, it’s him!’ and they treat me a little differently. But then they realize I’m just a father with my kids. It’s up to me to make everybody else feel okay about the fact that I’m there, and then everything just goes on.

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