Brit feeling like an old fart: “I feel like an old person now. I do! I go to bed at, like, 9:30 every night, and I don’t go out or anything.”
Her manager Larry Rudolph on his expectations: “This is going to be the album that cements her legend status.”
Rolling Stone on getting Brit for their cover feature: “[Interviewing the star was a] rigorously micromanaged process.We were never left alone together, and my questions had to be submitted ahead of time for approval.”
On her two sons Sean and Jayden: “Every time they come to visit me, I think about how they’re such special people… [But they] are starting to learn words like ’stupid,’ and Preston says the f-word now sometimes. He doesn’t get it from us. He must get it from his daddy. I say it, but not around my kids.”
Britney turns 27 on Dec. 2, the same day her album, Circus, hits stores.
at least she looks sorta normal in the picture. she should call angelina jolie for advice on turning your life around.